Cockatoo For Sale

Cockatoo for sale are often described as intelligent and emotional birds and many describe life with a cockatoo as living with a perpetual 2-year-old child, capable of temper tantrums as well as complete silliness. All of our birds come with an extensive health guarantee: We guarantee that the bird you are acquiring is free from any harmful diseases and does not have excessive amounts of any harmful bacteria.

cockatoo for sale, birds for sale

Testing and Other Things

Testing expenses are your responsibility; should there be any minor health issues that require treatment, we pay for all medications and all medical treatment at a Veterinarian of our choice. If a Vet exam reveals a life-threatening disease or serious genetic issues, then we will either replace your bird or give you a full refund of the purchase price.

All of the above having been said, we will not nor have we ever sold a bird which we thought was ill. Since parrots hide when they are sick, we can not always determine the true health of a parrot visually. It is for this reason that we offer the above guarantee; you are not required to test your parrot, but if you do, we have a strong guarantee to insure that you are starting out with a healthy parrot.

We look forward to a long relationship with our customers and their birds. Our goal is to be with you for the next 30-50 years, providing safe toys, proper diets, and non-toxic cages and play gyms for your companion Cockatoo for sale.

Cockatoo For Sale Behavior

Each Cockatoo for sale has their own personality, and while some can be affectionate, even “cuddle-able,” especially as babies, others can be very aggressive and prone to biting once they become sexually mature after about 5–7 years of age. In general, however, cockatoos are known for their ability to bond with their people. And while this trait may be wonderful in a pet, it often leads to the development of separation anxiety in these birds.

Cockatoo For Sale Vocalization

The biggest factor in owning a Cockatoo for sale, perhaps, is the noise. While most cockatoos won’t mimic many words spoken by their pet parents, they still squawk very, very loudly. This is not only damaging to hearing, but incredibly stressful to the pet parent and neighbors. Think twice about a Cockatoo for sale if you are in a living situation that’s not conducive to this level of noise.

Excessive loudness or screaming may be mitigated if a pet parent sets proper boundaries with the bird as a baby. Providing the bird with outlets to expend excess energy, as well as adequate mental stimulation, also helps.

If your Cockatoo for sale becomes very loud, don’t inadvertently reward the screaming by acknowledging it (yelling back at the bird to stop, for example), coming back into the room (which reinforces bad behavior), or by punishing the bird for screaming. Birds are loud by nature and won’t understand these consequences.

If your Cockatoo for sale is producing unusual sounds, visit an exotic/avian veterinarian to confirm there isn’t a medical issue.

Feather Plucking

It’s common to hear stories of Cockatoo for sale plucking their feathers—often completely off, down to bare skin, and sometimes even mutilating the skin. Illnesses can often contribute to development of feather picking, as well as inappropriate care or improper socialization. Pet parents should contact their veterinarian with any concern about their bird feather plucking.

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