Parrots For Sale

Our goal is to find the ideal parrots for sale addition to your family that will give years, if not decades, of enjoyment. With our unique, parrot for sale -centered approach, we strive to provide the best experience.

Talking Parrot For Sale

Tame Parrots is your trusted source for the best talking parrot for sale. Our parrots for sale are raised with great care and attention. We always prioritize the health and well-being of our birds. As a result, our customers can get healthy and socialized parrots for their homes. We have a variety of parrots for sale. Our bird species includes, African Grey, Amazon parrots, Caiques, Capes, Cockatiels, Cockatoos, Conures, Eclectus Parrots, Macaw, Parakeets, Poicephalus, Quaker parrots and Finches. All the parrots have a unique personality, so you can get your preferred bird. All of our parrot for sale are hand-raised, socialized and ready to be your new family member.

parrots for sale

Available Parrots For Sale

How to Care for Your Pet Parrot

Parrot Behavior

Our parrots for sale can be quite sweet and playful in nature but they are intelligent birds who need stimulation in order to not be bored and to preserve their sanity. Birds that are not given enough socialization or attention often enough can become frustrated and eventually depressed and aggressive.

​For a mentally healthy and stimulated parrot, and to work on your bond, it is advisable to handle your pet parrots for sale and let it out of its cage at least once daily. As birds are naturally curious about noises, you can leave a quietly playing radio or television show on for them and see which music they respond to. Making sure that all family members involved in parrot handling are holding and playing with a pet parrot appropriately is a key to your bird becoming a feathered family member to everyone in the home and allowing them to be happy as well!

Parrots For Sale Diet and Nutrition

What Do Parrots Eat and Drink?
Parrots are herbivores and can be thought of as being “vegan”. Birds cannot process dairy or meat products. Parrots not only enjoy having a variety of different veggies, fruits, and fortified pelleted parrot foods, but they need variety in their diet to ensure their nutritional requirements are being met. In the wild, birds have access to a variety of different food types and these foods are in all different nutritional stages of a plants life when picked up by parrots. In captivity, birds are prone to obesity, vitamin and calcium deficiencies, and heart disease which is becoming increasingly common in captive parrots.

​Diet Percentages
These parrots for sale should be provided with a variety of different food options, but proportions are the key to providing your parrot with a healthy diet. While fruits are certainly healthy for your bird and should be provided daily, ensuring a 70% vegetable to 30% fruit proportion in your parrot’s daily salad is critical to ensure your parrot is not eating too much fruit and taking in too many sugars and not getting in enough veggies. A high-quality pellet only diet should also be provided to your parrot; seed diets are not recommended as they are nutritionally deficient and high in fats. Treats such as high quality nuts or pellet-nut treats should only be provided in small quantities and when used in training, never given for free as part of the diet. Some species may have special dietary requirements such as lories or lorikeets that require fresh nectar, so knowing any special species requirements is necessary.

Medical Care for Your Pet Parrot

Parrot for sale are a prey species and therefore are very good at hiding their illnesses due to their survival instincts. These instincts encourage parrots to hide illnesses and injuries as long as they physically can, because injuries or illness in the wild is a vulnerability, making them intriguing prey for a predator. Being that birds are effective in hiding their issues, regular 6-month to 1-year avian veterinarian visits, depending on your birds age and health status, are recommended to ensure preventative measures are taken to provide your feathered friend with a long, healthy, and happy life.

​When Should You Bring Your Pet Parrot For Sale in for a Checkup?

When you bring home a parrot, be sure to schedule an appointment with an avian pet vet. During the initial exam, the veterinarian will perform a full physical exam, listen to heart, lungs, and sinuses, examine the ears, eyes, nose, beak, and inside the mouth. Recommendations will be made for yearly bloodwork and fecal testing and any other concerns will be discussed with the patient’s owners. Weights are taken and monitored to compare from each prior visit, and every year care and husbandry will be discussed to make sure the best possible care is being provided both at the avian hospital as well as at home. Behavior, enrichment, and socialization discussions are also an important part of any exam when dealing with any parrot patients.

​Common Parrot Health Concerns

There are many common health problems that could affect your parrot for sale. Watch you pet parakeet carefully and make sure to bring them to a vet if you notice any unusual behavior or symptoms. Here are a few things that we commonly see:

  • Metal toxicity 

  • Heart disease, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis

  • Viruses such as Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease, Polyoma virus

  • Reproductive diseases such as egg binding, cloacal prolapse, gonadal tumors

  • Yeast and bacterial overgrowth in the GI tract

  • Trauma 

  • Nutritional deficiencies

Grooming & Boarding

Parrot Grooming
Parrots for sale preen their own feathers, but they still need help in grooming themselves. This means taking them to the vet to have their nails trimmed. Wings can be trimmed properly by your vet if you decide not to have your parrot flighted for safety reasons. Having wings trimming done by a veterinarian is important to avoid over grooming that could result in broken blood feathers and detrimental falls. Beak trims are only necessary if deemed so by your veterinarian and can be harmful if done unnecessarily. You can keep your parrot’s beak trimmed naturally by offering all natural wood toys and perches that they can groom their beaks on themselves.

parrots for sale

African Grey Parrots For Sale

Our African Grey parrots for sale are renowned for their playful and curious nature. They thrive on mental stimulation and enjoy exploring their surroundings, solving puzzles, and interacting with their human companions. Despite their independent streak, they form strong bonds with their owners and are affectionate and loyal companions.


Our average customer rating is 4.8 / 5
Thank you very much for the business Ana you are a very honest professional very helpful to clarify all my doubts I recommend your store is beautiful and it was honest that you tell me that you would send me the DNA test by mail and sent you recommend 5 * i love The Amazon double yellow
Claudia Taylor
I recently adopted my first parrots for sale from Ana. She answered all questions I had as I have never owned a bird before. She was very helpful, and knowledgeable. My senegal is the sweetest little guy, and just wants to hang out on my shoulder all day. It's apparent he was spoiled while in Ana's care 🙂 I highly recommend getting a bird from Ana!
Winston Oliver
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