
Finch For Sale

Finch for sale are small, gentle birds that come in a dazzling variety of colors. This bird is brightly colored and very social making it a fan favorite. Their song consists of chirping and “beeping” rather than squawking.

  • – Finches need the company of other finches to thrive
  • – Although social with other finches, they prefer not to interact with people
  • – Most Finch species make frequent, pleasant chirping noises
  • – Finches need room to fly in their habitat
  • – Provide foraging toys, which provide important mental stimulation
  • – Finches can be kept with at least one other Finch, preferably more. Finches can be housed with several other flock, non-aggressive species in an aviary. Depending on species, some finches can be housed with other types of finches. Different types of birds should not be housed together
  • – Birds should be socialized daily by the pet parent softly talking to the bird

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