parakeets for sale, Parakeets For Sale Online

Parakeets For Sale

Parakeets for sale are the most widely kept of the parrot family. There are many different species in a large variety of colors & sizes. Most people are unaware that the Guinness Book of World Records for talking birds is held by an American Parakeet who had an over 1,000 word vocabulary!

About Parakeets For Sale

Behavior and Temperament

Parakeets for sale are gentle and docile birds. They are also very easy to tame, especially if acquired at a young age. Pairs of birds make good company for each other, but when in living pairs and entertaining one another, they may not bond as well with their owners or mimic speech as fluently. Budgies are also very playful, active, and quieter than some other types of parrots.

Speech and Vocalizations

While they can sometimes be difficult to understand, parakeets are also quite capable of mimicking human speech. They aren’t the easiest birds to teach to speak, but you can likely teach them a few easy words. In addition to the ability to mimic human speech, parakeets are quite gifted at mimicking other sounds. A creaking door, a squeaking chair, the tone of a text message coming into a phone—heard enough times, your parakeet will start making these sounds, too.

Parakeets For Sale | Housing

Parakeets for sale are active and playful and should have a large cage that allows room for toys, sleeping, eating, and flight. The minimum dimensions for a cage are 20 inches long by 12 inches deep by 18 inches high, but bigger is always better. The spacing of the cage bars should be half an inch or less to avoid escapes and prevent your bird from getting stuck. Horizontal cage bars offer the best opportunity for climbing and exercise. Place at least a couple of perches at different levels, with enough space for your Parakeets for sale to comfortably move between them. Offering a variety of perch sizes, shapes, and textures will also help keep your budgie’s feet in good shape. A nest to sleep in, dishes for food and water, various toys, and things to chew on should all fit inside the cage.

Even if they have a large cage, Parakeets for sale will still need playtime and socialization opportunities outside of the cage. Flight is very natural and important for a bird, but you should only allow your budgie to fly in a very secure and safe area. If you have concerns about being able to control your bird’s flight area, consider having the wings trimmed some to decrease the flying abilities.

Like most parrots, Parakeets for sale are social birds, and thus many owners keep budgies in pairs so that they can entertain one another. Parakeets for sale seem to be happiest when kept in pairs. A single bird can be fine as long as you can spend a significant amount of time interacting with them daily.

Common Health Issues

Budgies are prone to some of the same issues as other parrots, but some issues are unique to this species. For example, they can be susceptible to goiters caused by iodine deficiency or develop tumors if their diet includes too many seeds and not enough fruits and vegetables.1 Budgies can also be subject to psittacosis (also called parrot fever, caused by bacteria), and they can fall prey to scaly mites that affect the skin on the legs and around the eyes.2

Diet and Nutrition

Variety is the key to healthy Parakeets for sale food since these birds are diverse foragers in the wild. Seeds can be a nutritious part of a budgie’s diet, but because these are high in fat, seeds should only make up a portion of the diet. Pelleted diets are often a good choice for birds, as they are nutritionally balanced. Seeds and pellets can be fed in combination, but other foods should also complement the diet, including a variety of fresh vegetables (carrots, broccoli, corn, spinach, beans, etc.) and fruit.

Have patience with your Parakeets for sale anytime you introduce a new food, as they can be scary to birds. Sprouted seeds are also an excellent way to add variety to your bird’s diet, but avocados, chocolate, sugar, and salt must be avoided. A cuttlebone can be provided as a source of calcium.

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