Finches For Sale Near Me

Finches for sale near me are small, gentle birds that come in a dazzling variety of colors. This bird is brightly colored and very social making it a fan favorite. Their song consists of chirping and “beeping” rather than squawking.

  • – Finches need the company of other finches to thrive
  • – Although social with other finches, they prefer not to interact with people
  • – Most Finches for sale near me species make frequent, pleasant chirping noises
  • – Finches need room to fly in their habitat
  • – Provide foraging toys, which provide important mental stimulation

Finches For Sale Near Me | Personality & Behavior

Finches for sale near me are popular as companion pets because of their pleasant sounds and social interactions with their flock mates, and, in the case of the Gouldian finch, their dazzling coloration. They are mostly hands-off pet birds; instead preferring to be with other of their kind.

Speech & Sound

Finches are not capable of emitting the ear-splitting screeches of parrots and therefore might make a good choice for those with close neighbors. Their vocalizations are mostly “peep” and “meep” sounds,typically by the males. Their calls/songs can be persistent at times and finches spend a large portion of their day vocally communicating with one another.

Health & Common Conditions

Finches can be prone to air-sac mite infection, especially when overly stressed. This is a serious medical condition that warrants immediately veterinary care. Finches for sale near me can also be susceptible to scaly face (a condition caused by a mite that presents as white, scaly areas around the beak/eyes, as well as the legs), which also warrants a call to the vet. Finches can also have overgrown nails or beaks, which should be addressed by an experienced bird groomer or vet.

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