Cockatiel For Sale
Cockatiel for sale are small, charming parrots known for their gentle and docile nature. These affectionate birds enjoy being petted and held, often preferring to be near their owners rather than engaging in extensive cuddling. Their playful and active disposition makes them delightful companions, and while they do vocalize and whistle, they are generally quieter than many other parrot species.
General Information
Cockatiel for sale (Nymphicus hollandicus) are a member of the cockatoo family and are from Australia. They are a medium sized bird of about 13 inches head to tail that come in different colors of yellows, whites and grey tones with little orange, yellow or white cheeks. They are great beginner birds or an experienced bird owner who wants a more mellow type of personality while still having energy to play and socialize. If you have severe allergies to dusts or similar, a cockatiel may not be the bird for you due to them using a powder/dust on their feathers which “waterproofs” them and makes them soft.
The cockatiels go through training and learn to “Step-Up”, recall, and sometimes even giving kisses. This varies on each bird and how quick they learn. Usually “Step-Up” is my priority before learning other tricks. Each Cockatiel for sale will have their wings clipped for easier training when arriving at their new homes. This helps keep them out of places they should not be. The early stages before weaning is the best time to socialize and handle the babies, and they get one-on-one attention daily to ensure the best possible new companion. At 8 to 10 weeks old they go to their new homes.
Cage & Toys
All our Cockatiel for sale have some chewable toys, a swing, concrete or cuttlebone nail trimming perch of about 1/2″ inch in width. Cuttle bones or mineral blocks are recommended if the bird is not eating pellets with high calcium, such as Roudybush. Hanging toys with wood or ropes are a must so they have something to satisfy chewing urges. A larger cage is recommended so they can at least spread their wings without bumping them into sides of cage, such as an 18″ x 18″ or 24″ x 24″ wide cage and larger. Bar spacing should be 1/2″ or less.
These Cockatiel for sale will be weaned primarily on Roudybush Adult Maintenance pellets (crumble or mini size) and Higgins Vita Seed Cockatiel seed mix. We will give you a starter bag of pellets. If using a your own or different brand foods, use the one sized for cockatiels. If you can get seed with minimal sunflower or safflower instead, this is preferred to limit high fat content from sunflower seeds. The two can be mixed together with mostly pellets and some seed. The pellets are in mini or crumble sizes.
Male or Female Cockatiel For Sale
Sometimes the Cockatiel for sale gender can be determined depending on the colors of the parents and if they carry a sex-linked gene will be all female if that particular coloration, such as cinnamon, lutino and pearl. Some of our pairs are set up like this. The ones that are not will have to be DNA’d since at this young of an age it is difficult to distinguish between male or female until they are older. Pied mutations you may not be able to even know when they are older. So DNA testing is included in the price of our babies and is done by sending off a feather or blood sample.
Cockatiel For Sale Prices
- Normal, Whiteface, Pearl, Whiteface Cinnamon, Emerald, Whiteface Emeralds, Creamface Emerald, Albino (Whiteface Lutino), Lutino, Creamface, Pastelface, Recessive Silver, Whiteface Recessive silver, Dominant yellow cheek, Dominant yellow cheek recessive silver, heavy/clear pieds of all above mutations except DYC & Emeralds
- $250 – $375 depends on mutation/quality