Visions of Heat - Anna's Archive (2024)

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Visions of Heat - Anna's Archive (1)

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anglų [en], .azw3, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 1.1MB, 📕 Knyga (grožinė literatūra), lgli/Nalini Singh - Visions of Heat (2011, ).azw3

Visions of Heat 🔍

Berkley Sensation, Psy-Changelings 2, 2007

Singh, Nalini 🔍


Product Description Hailed as a major new talent in paranormal romance, Nalini Singh takes us deeper into the world of the Psy and the changelings in her latest extraordinary novel, where a gifted woman sees passion in her future-a passion that is absolutely forbidden by her kind... Used to cold silence, Faith NightStar is suddenly being tormented by dark visions of blood and murder. A bad sign for anyone, but worse for Faith, an F-Psy with the highly sought after ability to predict the future. Then the visions show her something even more dangerous-aching need...exquisite pleasure. But so powerful is her sight, so fragile the state of her mind, that the very emotions she yearns to embrace could be the end of her. Changeling Vaughn D'Angelo can take either man or jaguar form, but it is his animal side that is overwhelmingly drawn to Faith. The jaguar's instinct is to claim this woman it finds so utterly fascinating and the man has no argument. But while Vaughn craves sensation and hungers to pleasure Faith in every way, desire is a danger that could snap the last threads of her sanity. And there are Psy who need Faith's sight for their own purposes. They must keep her silenced-and keep her from Vaughn...

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Berkley Sensation

Alternatyvus pavadinimas

Visions of Heat (Psy-Changelings, Book 2)

Alternatyvus autorius

Nalini Singh

Alternatyvus leidėjas

Berkley, Berkley Sensation

Alternatyvus leidėjas


Alternatyvus leidimas

Berkley sensation paranormal romance, Berkley Sensation mass-market ed, New York, 2007

Alternatyvus leidimas

Psy-changeling series, Berkley Sensation mass-market edition, New York, 2007

Alternatyvus leidimas

Psy-Changeling, 2, Place of publication not identified, 2007

Alternatyvus leidimas

Psy-Changelings (2), March 6, 2007

Alternatyvus leidimas


Alternatyvus aprašymas

<p>Used to cold silence, Faith NightStar is suddenly being tormented by dark visions of blood and murder. A bad sign for anyone, but worse for Faith, an F-Psy with the highly sought after ability to predict the future. Then the visions show her something even more dangerous - aching need...exquisite pleasure. But so powerful is her sight, so fragile the state of her mind, that the very emotions she yearns to embrace could be the end of her.<br><br> Changeling Vaughn D'Angelo can take the form of either man or jaguar, but it is his animal side that is overwhelmingly drawn to Faith. The jaguar's instinct is to claim this woman it finds so utterly fascinating, and the man has no argument. But while Vaughn craves sensation and hungers to pleasure Faith in every way, desire is a danger that could snap the threads of her sanity. And there are Psy who need Faith's sight for their own purposes. They must keep her silenced - and keep her from Vaughn.</p>

Alternatyvus aprašymas

Used to cold silence, Faith NightStar is suddenly being tormented by dark visions of blood and murder. A bad sign for anyone, but worse for Faith, an F-Psy with the highly sought after ability to predict the future. Then the visions show her something even more dangerous--aching need...exquisite pleasure. But so powerful is her sight, so fragile the state of her mind, that the very emotions she yearns to embrace could be the end of her.Changeling Vaughn D'Angelo can take the form of either man or jaguar, but it is his animal side that is overwhelmingly drawn to Faith. The jaguar's instinct is to claim this woman it finds so utterly fascinating, and the man has no argument. But while Vaughn craves sensation and hungers to pleasure Faith in every way, desire is a danger that could snap the last threads of her sanity. And there are Psy who need Faith's sight for their own purposes. They must keep her silenced--and keep her from Vaughn.

Alternatyvus aprašymas

Psychic Faith NightStar, plagued by visions of forbidden pleasure, finds herself the prey of changeling Vaughn D'Angelo, part man, part jaguar, who is determined to claim her as his own, while her people, needing her gift for their own evil purposes, strive to keep them apart

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Collectionisbndb Collectionworldcat Collectionlibgen_li Collectionzlib Collectionopenlib Filepathlgli/Nalini Singh - Visions of Heat (2011, ).azw3 Goodreads215643 ISBN-100-425-21575-X ISBN-13978-0-425-21575-3 LCCCPB Box no. 2699 vol. 8 LCCN2007585285 File98638616 fiction_id3795329 Library Thing1982692 MD51f37a42d541959b9a19bf59fb84bfcc8 IAvisionsofheat00sing OCLC/WorldCat814276975 OCLC/WorldCat702298142 OCLC/WorldCat84919459 OCLC/WorldCat786199750 OCLC/WorldCat760906815 Open LibraryOL5696711W Open LibraryOL7505829M Server Pathe/lglific/3795000/1f37a42d541959b9a19bf59fb84bfcc8.azw3 Server Pathe/zlib1/pilimi-zlib-9460000-10999999/10972461 Torrentmanaged_by_aa/zlib/pilimi-zlib-9460000-10999999.torrent Z-Library10972461

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Visions of Heat - Anna's Archive (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.