Penny Patterson (2024)

1. Koko - The Gorilla Who Talks | PBS

  • In 1971, Penny Patterson, a graduate student at Stanford University, met Koko, a new-born gorilla in San Francisco Zoo.

  • Explore the story of Penny Patterson and Koko the gorilla.

2. Koko Signs: Interview With Dr. Penny Patterson | ArcTouch

  • Dr. Penny Patterson talks about working with Koko, the gorilla who learned sign language, and how a new app will extend Koko's legacy.

  • Dr. Penny Patterson talks about working with Koko, the gorilla who learned sign language, and how a new app will extend Koko’s legacy.

3. Penny Patterson | American Players Theatre

4. History & Milestones - The Gorilla Foundation

  • Francine (Penny) Patterson, a Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University, begins working with Koko at the San Francisco Zoo, initiating the first-ever project to ...

  • The Gorilla Foundation was founded in 1976, based on the results of a unique interspecies communication study with gorillas began in 1972, by founder Dr. Francine Penny Patterson:

5. “In Search of Man: Experiments in Primate Communication,” by ...

6. Penny Patterson - Other Life Choices

  • Dr. Francine “Penny” Patterson and the Gorilla Foundation are bringing Michael, Koko's former gorilla non-companion, back from the dead for yet another round ...

  • Posts about Penny Patterson written by Johnny Safkow

7. A Conversation With Koko the Gorilla - The Atlantic

  • Aug 28, 2015 · Francine Patterson: At that time, she was on exhibit at a children's zoo. There was a giant window where we could view her. She was pretty ...

  • An afternoon spent with Koko—the gorilla who knows sign language—and the scientist who taught her how to “talk”

8. Author Francine Patterson biography and book list - Fresh Fiction

  • Francine Patterson. Francine Patterson. Dr. Penny Patterson received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Stanford University where, as a graduate student ...

  • 's biography, bibliography, list of books, with the current titles, summaries, covers, excerpts, author notes, and availability.

9. The Gorilla Foundation:

  • Penny Patterson and Gary Stanley of The Gorilla Foundation via Zoom, in January 2021, to discuss Sam's love of Koko and many other animal friends. We also ...

  • The Gorilla Foundation is best known for conducting the longest interspecies communication study in history (almost 5 decades) and the only one involving gorillas: Project Koko.  Our mission, Conservation through Communication applies the results and lessons of interspecies communication (with gorillas Koko, Michael and Ndume) to save gorillas from extinction in the wild, dramatically improve their care in captivity, and continue our exciting dialogue with Nature.  Everyone can learn to sign, and all gorillas are Kokos, and these 2 realizations make saving the great apes both a worthwhile and highly reachable goal. Please join us and expedite the process!

Penny Patterson (2024)


What was Koko the gorilla's IQ? ›

Intelligence. Between 1972 and 1977, Koko was administered several infant IQ tests, including the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale and form B of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. She achieved scores in the 70–90 range, which is comparable to a human infant that is slow but not intellectually impaired.

How is the relationship between Penny and Koko so special? ›

After 44 years, Project Koko is the world's longest ape-language study and, according to Penny, the most successful, with Koko mastering hundreds of signs. After a lifetime together, Penny and Koko share a bond similar to that of a mother and daughter.

Did Koko and Michael have a baby? ›

Koko did get pregnant but had a miscarriage. The two remained close companions after that, according to Patterson. "I think that's one of Koko's deepest regrets is not having a baby," she told ABC News.

What did Koko say when All Ball died? ›

Koko was 13 years old when she learned her beloved kitten, All Ball, died after being hit by a car. Visibly upset, the western lowland gorilla kept signing the words “sad, frown, cry, bad” and cried out with a hooting sound she made as a baby while left alone in her cage at night.

What did Koko say about death? ›

' Koko signed, 'Dead, draped. ' 'Draped' means 'covered up. ' Then the caregiver asked, 'Where do animals go when they die? ' Koko said, 'A comfortable hole.

What ape has the highest IQ? ›

Chimpanzees are known to be the animal with the highest IQ.

Why could Koko not talk? ›

Skeptical scientists questioned how much of Koko's communication actually came from her, and how much came from our own preconceptions and projections. Researchers have argued in the past that apes don't possess the same complex language-processing abilities that humans do.

Who was Koko's mate? ›

Meet Ndume

Ndume joined the Gorilla Foundation/ in 1991, after spending his first 10 years at the Cincinnati Zoo, and . Born in 1981 and already a father of three by the age of 10, the 400-pound Ndume was Koko's intended mate.

Did Koko ask for a cat? ›

Francine “Penny” Patterson, who remained her trainer throughout her life. Over the years, Koko was able to understand and use more than 1,000 different signs — and famously asked for a cat for Christmas in 1983.

Was Koko sad when Michael died? ›

Michael died of heart failure related to cardiomyopathy on April 19, 2000. Koko and her more recent potential mate, Ndume, mourned his death for several months. Koko died in 2018, and staff have since returned Ndume to the Cincinnati Zoo, where he lives with two female gorilla companions.

Was Koko sad when Robin died? ›

Koko the gorilla, the super-intelligent ape who understands spoken English and communicates with humans via sign language, apparently reacted to the death of his friend Robin Williams like the rest of us did -- with deep sadness.

Who was the most famous gorilla killed? ›

On May 28, 2016, a three-year-old boy visiting the zoo climbed under a fence into an outdoor gorilla enclosure where he was violently grabbed and dragged by Harambe. Fearing for the boy's life, a zoo worker shot and killed Harambe.

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.