NXT live blog: Thea Hail interview (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Tuesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on USA Network.

Advertised for tonight from the WWE Performance Center: A sit down interview with the next challenger to the women’s championship, Thea Hail (which has made current champion Roxanne Perez furious).

Meanwhile, former tag team partners Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen will throw hands in a No Disqualification match, Ashante “Thee” Adonis is back in NXT to take on Oro Mensah, Lexis King squares up with Eddy Thorpe, and a whole lot more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on USA. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


As the sun goes down, I move around, keeping to the shadows. Life hangs by a thread and I’ve heard it said, that I’ll not see tomorrow. If that’s my destiny, it’ll have to be, so I’ll face the future. Running out of time, I’m on the line but I’ll go down liveblogging this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with Trick Williams making his way into the arena, past Cedric Alexander, who asks him to think about what he’s doing, but Trick says he’s getting his title back.

He makes his entrance and gets on the mic and calls Ethan Page out, saying he’ll see him again and he’s not going to stop until he gets the title back.

Cedric Alexander makes his entrance and says he didn’t want to do this in front of the entire world but the advice he asked for is come from a good place. Trick says nothing’s going to stop him, Cedric says he’s won titles in WWE and he just wants to stop Williams from being blinded by his passion.

Trick says he’s not blinded by anything—

Enter Ashante “Thee” Adonis.

He says he told Cedric that Trick wasn’t going to listen and he’s just here to pick up the ball he dropped. Williams says he didn’t drop any balls and taunts Ashante about Hit Row. Alexander says that’s what he’s talking about, he’s letting his emotions dictate his actions and how is that supposed to get him the title.

Cedric tells Ashante to go to the back and let him him handle this, Adonis says Trick doesn’t realize he’s the one in third place in the ring. Williams fires back, Cedric says that sounds like he’s saying he’s better than him so let’s do it tonight. Trick is mistaking his kindness for weakness and he’ll show him the difference.

Williams says it’s on, Ashante says he’s making a mistake and Williams clobbers him and throws him out of the ring!

We get footage of “All Ego” Ethan Page confronting Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe outside earlier today and storming off declaring them not worth his time.

Josh Briggs is walking backstage, spitting as he turns around a corner. Brooks Jensen blindsides him and they brawl down the entrance! Referee Darryl Sharma is here and we’re off!

Brooks Jensen vs. Josh Briggs (No Disqualification Match)

Briggs sends Jensen over the barricade and hammers him with punches again and again and again! Back to ringside, putting Brooks into the post... CHOKESLAM THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE DESK SENDS US TO BREAK!

Back from commercial, Briggs brings the announce desk cover into the ring and bridges it in the corner but Jensen takes control and catapults him into it! Brooks grabs a kendo stick and wails on Josh’s back! Blocking a shot, Briggs elbows him but Jensen has a big right hand for him! Setting him up on the steps in the middle of the ring, Briggs slips out, back suplex on the stairs!

Trading shots, both men with big boots, both men with kendo stick shots, both men down! Shawn Spears is at ringside to stir up some sh*t, Brooks has a steel chair and wallops Josh with it over and over and over! Dropping the chair...

Brooks Jensen wins by pinfall with a DDT onto a steel chair.

Axiom is chatting with Nathan Frazer backstage when the Rascalz roll up to follow up on their chat from last week.

Trey Miguel asks Wes and Zachary if they ever lost those tag titles and Lee points out they did not and challenges for tonight. Nathan asks which two of them it’ll be, Wentz says they do trios, so it’s going to be trios, and Frazer accepts and says they’ll find a partner.

Axiom informs Nathan he’s entering the next WWE Speed tournament and Frazer blows his top that he’s not focused on them as a tag team.

Lexis King makes his entrance to send us to break.

Back from commercial, three of NXT’s blondes are watching footage and chatting about the tag titles when Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson roll up to say if anybody’s challenging for the titles it’s them. The blondes ask when they last won a match and the Meta-Four pair challenge them for tonight.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King

King in control early, disdainful kicks, back and forth, superkick, off the ropes, northern lariat, Coronation reversed, Thorpe catches him...

Eddy Thorpe wins by pinfall with a lifting DDT.

Post-match, Lexis traps Eddy’s arm in the steel steps and breaks his scepter over Thorpe’s hand!

Trick Williams is interviewed backstage with Pete Dunne glowering in the background.

He says his road to the title starts tonight with a win over Cedric Alexander and no one is going to stop him. Pete pipes up and asks if that’s so.

Oro Mensah makes his entrance to send us to break.

Ashante “Thee” Adonis vs. Oro Mensah

Mensah dives on Adonis before the bell, back in the ring, we get a bell, trading punches, big exploder suplex from Oro! Springboard countered with a dropkick, Ashante choking him in the corner, slingshot boots, cover for two! Northern lariat gets Adonis another deep two after cutting off a rally from Mensah!

Perched up top, flirting with Jakara and Oro cuts him off! Punches, axe kick, quebrada, it’s a quick way to the finish...

Oro Mensah wins by pinfall with the Shinjiro Ohtani spinning wheel kick.

Post-match, Oro calls Ethan Page out and counts three a few times for the crowd.

Backstage, Charlie Dempsey is showing Tony D’Angelo a ransom note when Wren Sinclair rolls up to take credit for it. Tony tells him just to give her what she wants. Wren says she has a match tonight and for Dempsey’s sake she better not lose. Who knows what she might do or say if she does?

Adriana Rizzo says she’s gonna bring the popcorn and we go to break.

Carlee Bright vs. Wren Sinclair

Sinclair in control early, roll through into a wristlock, ankle lock, rear chinlock applied, modified surfboard, Bright counters and gets a nearfall off a pin! Whip reversed, crossbody, roll through, cover, only two! Cover for two, whip to the corner, Carlee with a missile dropkick, cover, NQCC put Sinclair’s foot on the ropes!

Kendall Gray attacks Myles Borne, Bright with an O’Connor roll for two! Arm wringer, whip to the corner, sidestep, folding press, Charlie helps her out...

Wren Sinclair wins by pinfall with a folding press with some help from Charlie Dempsey.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger are walking backstage chatting.

Hank wants to bring some honk honk to the party and they go off to chat about it.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer are still bickering about Axiom doing WWE Speed when Je’Von Evans rolls up to offer his services as a tag partner for tonight. They agree he’s in. Axiom tells Nathan it’s gonna be fine, and that’s that to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Chase U are chatting backstage.

Duke Hudson is disappointed in his match against Oba Femi but his pals reassure him that he made the school proud.

Ridge Holland rolls up with new black Chase U t-shirts for everybody.

Thea Hail has a sitdown interview.

She talks about how different she is compared to when she last had a title match and talks about how Ridge Holland empowers her to be herself, and she’s focused on winning the title.

Cedric Alexander vs. Trick Williams

Mat grappling to start, trading wristlocks, Alexander paintbrushing the back of his head, short slam from Williams! Upkick, kip-up, Trick shrugs off a waistlock, off the ropes, drop down, leapfrog, big back elbow from Williams! Cedric taking him a bit more seriously now, chop from Trick, Alexander turns him around, chops in the corner!

To the floor, Cedric suplexes him into the apron and we go to break!

Back from commercial, both men down and out, Alexander puts together a strike rush but runs into a flapjack! Cyclone Kill follows, cover for two! Float over, waistlock, standing switch, back elbow, Cedric hits the Michinoku Driver... NOT ENOUGH! Trick with a nearfall of his own, letting his hair down, waiting for him to rise, Alexander counters the knee into a schoolboy for two!

Front kick, twisting suplex, cover for two, into a cross armbar in the middle of the ring! Trick fights out...

Trick Williams wins by pinfall with the knee.

Post-match, Trick offers a handshake and Cedric accepts before rolling to the floor. PETE DUNNE ATTACKS TRICK FROM BEHIND! Sick Kick, wrist-clutch stomps to the side of the head! Leaving Williams laying, Dunne gives a co*cky little shrug to the camera.

Ethan Page is on his way to Ava Raine’s office when he gets intercepted by Stevie Turner and Robert Stone. He wants Oro Mensah taken care of, Stone puts his foot firmly into his mouth and the awkwardness continues.

Karmen Petrovic and Sol Ruca make their entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Kelani Jordan is backstage hanging with some new girls when one of them shows her a social media video of Tatum Paxley playing with the doll that’s supposed to be her.

Ashante Adonis rolls up and the newbies faun over him and help him offscreen as he gives a co*cky glance at the camera.

Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca vs. Meta-Four (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend)

Ruca and Jackson to start, Cobra Clutch from Sol, Legend in, back elbow in the corner, passing Ruca to the apron, kick cuts her off, slingshot X-Factor, tag to Petrovic! Assisted kick, cover for two, back to Sol, she gets worked over, tags Karmen back in, Superkick Party takes Legend out... NOPE!

Petrovic tornado DDT, cover, Jackson breaks it up! Ruca takes her out and dives on her with a moonsault to the floor, Lash decks Karmen, back-to-back bulldog, Jakara stops Sol from breaking it up...

Meta-Four with by pinfall with a back-to-back bulldog from Lash Legend on Karmen Petrovic.

Post-match, Legend gets on the mic and demands a tag title shot next week.

Trick Williams talks with “Heartbreak Man” Shawn Michaels at Gorilla and HBM backs him down only for Roxanne Perez to roll up complaining about Thea Hail getting a sit-down and not her and we go to break.

Back from commercial we get a Joe Hendry hype reel promising us a concert next week.

Gallus are shown leaving the building and being interviewed about how much they dislike Joe Hendry.

All Ego is backstage chatting with a referee and getting confirmation that what happened last week with Oro Mensah didn’t count. When the guy rubber stamps him he insists they go off together.

Commentary informs us that Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre have accepted Meta-Four’s challenge for the women’s tag titles.

“All Ego” Ethan Page comes to the ring with the referee in tow.

He says last week didn’t happen, it wasn’t official, it’s null and void, and he must be very clear— none of this bothers him. He asks the referee, as a licensed official, if he or any of his colleagues were in the ring to make the count last week. He says it wasn’t a match, so no count, and All Ego cries his vindication to the rooftops.

Page thanks the referee, Oro runs in, schoolboy, the ref counts to three and All Ego is furious!

No Quarter Catch Crew return to the D’Angelo family and the Don says he respects what Charlie Dempsey did for Wren Sinclair. He says since it’s the Olympics and all he’ll give Tavion Heights, an Olympian, a Heritage Cup title match next week.

Axiom, Je’Von Evans, & Nathan Frazer vs. the Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Wes Lee, & Zachary Wentz)

Miguel and Axiom to start, luchador with a wristlock, Trey reverses to a side headlock, taking a knee, Axiom floats over and gets a Japanese stranglehold. Tag to Frazer, chops in the corner, whip reversed, up and over, Miguel slides under, dropkick connects, cover for two. Arm wringer, whip reversed, boot up, kick from Wentsz, running triple teams, tag to Evans!

Je’Von with an Arabian press tijeras, a dropkick, drawing Lee up, whip reversed, big chop, taking Evans into the corner, Bronco Buster from Zach! Match breaks down, Rascalz clear the ring, Je’Von with an inside cradle, duck, huge dive from Je’Von! Wentz with an Orihara moonsault into the crush and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Evans fights out of a front chancery from Wentz, whip to the corner, up and over, big chop, crossbody countered, deadlift, World’s Strongest Slam and a tag to Frazer! Diving in, running shooting star press, cover for two! Axiom tags back in with a sleeper hold, quick tags from the less-established trio, Je’Von with a cover for two!

Frazer tags in, springboard countered with a knee and both men are down! Tags, Je’Von with a kick combo, a one-man wrekcing crew, double-jump Ace Crusher gets Trey! Axiom with the Spanish Fly, Nathan with the Phoenix Splash, the Rascalz break it up! Lee catapults Axiom into a superkick, a double stomp, tag to Wentz, shoving the shooting star press, tope con giro to the floor...

The Rascalz win by pinfall with the assisted shooting star press on Axiom.

Post-match, it’s all handshakes and sportsmanship.

Backstage, Ava Raine is giving instructions to referee Darryl Sharma when Ethan Page rolls up to demand a match against Oro Mensah. She says she’ll make the match for two weeks from now with the title on the line and Page is satisfied.

That’s the show, folks.

NXT live blog: Thea Hail interview (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.